Explore Scholarly Literature Through PSOAR


Search Guidelines Through PGIAR

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Pharmaceutical Sciences Open Access Resources Search Engine (PSOAR)

Pharamceutical Sciences and Open Access Resources (PSOAR) Link(http://www.google.com/coop/cse?cx=004661586693649773900%3A_2x3q90pcba)


This blog has been started with an aim to promote newly created custom search engine for Pharmaceutical Sciences Open Access Resources (Journals, Magazines and Thesis). This custom search engine is recently developed and provides results in the form of journal or magazine articles or thesis which are accessible freely to anyone who click the results. This could be extremely useful for students, teachers, research scholars and scientists who are working in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Thanks to google for providing excellent custom search engine service for the same.

Please try the service and post your comments at vikas.pharmaceutics@gmail.com.

We would be happy if anybody would like to contribute to it. I would look forward for comments and suggestions.

You may suggest inclusion of any website which provide free full text access of journal articles, magazine articles or full text thesis.

All the best...keep searching

Assistant Professor & Head,
Department of Pharmaceutics,
Seth G.L. Bihani S.D. College of Technical Education,
Sri Ganganagar (Rajasthan) INDIA.

Link to reach the custom search engine VIKAS PSOAR

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