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Search Guidelines Through PGIAR

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


We happily announce our blogsite http://vikaspsoar.blogspot.com approval by HONcode.

HONcode is the oldest and the most used ethical and trustworthy code for medical and health related information available on Internet.The HONcode is designed for two target audiences: the general public and the web publisher, actively involving the site owner in the process of accreditation.

The HON Foundation is a Non-Governmental Organization, internationally known for its pioneering work in the field of health information ethics, notably for the establishment of its code of ethical conduct, the HONcode.

HON has been created for improving the quality of information intended to both patients and medical professionals for facilitating quick access to the most relevant and up-to-date medical discoveries.

For more information about HON vist website at http://www.hon.ch/visitor.html

A descriptive listing of your site, http://www.vikaspsoar.blogspot.com/
has been added to MedHunt, Health On the Net's medical search engine.

Visit our blogsite at MEDHUNT http://www.hon.ch/cgi-bin/update.pl?HON17633

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